Mike Pence - So Help Me God

Mike Pence, So Help Me God. Simon & Schuster, 2022.

One of the pleasures of reading this book is learning some of the inside moves and developments within our nation's recent history. I am glad that former Vice President Pence took time to tell his side of things.  

Pence takes us through his remembrances of boyhood in Columbus, IN through courting his future wife to his defeats and victories in public office. I was particular interested in learning his thoughts and experiences in dealing with the Pandemic and then the January 6, 2021 mob action on the Capital.   Pence is an engaging writer that does not shy from telling embarrassing stories on himself. I was particularly amused by his recounting of meeting with Russell Kirk.  Kirk was generous and kind to an ignorant Pence.  Kirk's gift of his book, The Politics of Prudence, to Pence shaped Pence's conservative thought for the rest of his life.  He reports an annual reading the book. 

Another foundational experience was studying the American Constitution under Professor George M Curtis III at Hanover College. His studies helped him become the conservative that he is.  He harkened back to his studies when President Trump and his lawyers requested that VP Pence do more with the certification of the electoral votes on January 6 than what the constitution expected of the VP.  

I found Pence's reflections to be sincere and honest. He openly talks about the strength that his faith, family, and friends all gave him during challenging situations.   


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