Daugherty, Tracy. Larry McMurtry: A Life. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2023. In the 1990’s, I lived in west Texas, a mere 100 miles from Archer City. I visited the multi-building Booked Up bookstore twice and came away with remarkable books. Tracy Daugherty’s description of the openness, large sky, near constant drought conditions, etc. of the area are spot on. As I worked my way through the stacks, I was stunned that a place so devoid of people and the luxury of time to read could possibly have such a remarkable bookstore. Larry McMurtry wrote several nonfiction books including two memoirs ( Books: A Memoir in 2008 and Literary Life: A Second Memoir in 2009) that explain how Booked Up came to reside in Archer City. Daugherty’s biography enriches McMurtry’s recollections with a comprehensive picture of the complicated, moody, loving, observant, and opinionated man that is Larry McMurtry. Da...
Showing posts from October, 2023
Universal Liturgy for a universal Church
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In a recent posting on the Indiana District website, President Stuckwisch relates to us his experience of being in non-english language worship settings but still knowing what is going on in the liturgy because the churches are using the same liturgy. His reflections remind us of the significance of the church using the same liturgy no matter what language is being used. We worship the same God and we should worship the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in the same way. This commitment to a uniform liturgy throughout the world underscores the point that the church is universal. Despite the language used, we are all sinners in need of God's grace that comes to us on account of Jesus' sacrificial death on the cross. Jesus' death on the cross justifies us before our heavenly Father so that he will look upon us kindly and with grace and forgiveness. Without Jesus' gift to us, we are left without forgiveness and are damned. As I read through Presid...
Mars Hill Audio
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I first subscribed to Mars Hill Audio when it was cassette tapes in the 1990's. Then, happily continued on when the DVD became the medium. I have learned LOTS from Ken Myers's interviews and been exposed to much fascinating thinking and perspectives as a result of listening to the different segments. I was pleased to see that Mars Hill Audio is moving into a new phase they are calling "membership." They are phasing out of subscription and moving to an all inclusive format that will bring access to more of their work. Here is the announcement. A link below takes you to the browser version. October 10, 2023 Introducing Mars Hill Audio 5.0 Dear listener, A lot has changed since we mailed our first cassette tapes 30 years ago. Most significantly, a lot has changed in our cultural circumstances as what C. S. Lewis called the un-Christening of the West continues apace. If there was an urgent need for wisdom about navigating modern societies as we began ...
Review of Before Amen
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Max Lucado. Before Amen: Power of a Simple Prayer. Thomas Nelson, 2014. In many respects I enjoyed this book. Pastor Lucado excels at telling stories about people and situations they are in, then applying Scripture to their situation. He is a clear, effective communicator. I suspect that this book is a sermon series that has been re-worked for publication as a book. The edition I read also includes a study guide written by a family member that includes discussion questions along with instructions on how to connect with a website for further devotional possibilities. Several times while reading the book, I applauded his presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in clear, unambiguous language. I also appreciated his clever use of the alphabet to help the reader develop a more disciplined time of prayer and reflection. On page 23, Pr. Lucado observes that “Most people suffer from small thoughts about God.” He go...