Decline in newspapers

 I grew up in a household that subscribed to a daily newspaper.  The Beacon News in Aurora, IL has since been absorbed into the Chicago Tribune, as has most all of the other suburban papers.

South Bend, IN's, South Bend Tribune, was sold then resold a few years ago.  There is still a print copy available, but the new owners definitely want subscribers to switch to digital only.  I suspect this means that eventually only people with digital access will have access to daily reporting.  And, the local emphasis will continue to be minimized.

Below is a horrifying eulogy for the upcoming death of the newspaper in America.  There is a report that newspapers are closing at a rate of two a week.  Sad.  

The daily local newspaper used to be the avenue to information about local, national, and international happenings for any citizen who can read.  What will another 10-20 years bring? I shudder to think about it.


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