2022-12-12 Isaiah 29 and Jude

 2022-12-12 Isaiah 29:1-14 Jude

In the name of the Father, +Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

On a day to day basis, we see and hear many warnings. The little speed monitors along the road tell speeders to slow down; a traffic sign warns us that cross traffic does not stop; on the bottle and in the commercials, medicines bring warnings about potential side-effects; in the media we are regularly warned of climate change; and, if you are a certain age, you might receive messages electronically or via the Post Office to watch your cholesterol or for warning signs of heart attack, or undue stress. 

Scripture is also full of warnings too. We certainly received a few tonight. In Isaiah, we are warned of God’s displeasure at Judah’s half-hearted response to himself. Worship lack earnestness.  The lips say one thing; their hearts says another. Because of Judah’s lack of faithfulness and fidelity - God’s judgment will be unleashed.  God’s displeasure and offense at Judah’s behavior and attitude is such that God will not let the people see what He is doing while he works through nations such as Assyria to enact His judgment upon them.

Through Jude, we receive warnings of false teachers that infiltrate Christian communities.  He warns the faithful: don’t let your faith be swayed by slick words and false promises or the impulse to take charge of your salvation.  

Instead be weary, watchful, for Christ alone saves.  He saves us through our faith in Jesus Christ. Christ is the unblemished lamb of God, the sacrifice on our behalf.  He bears our sins. He suffers the judgment and punishment that we deserve so that we do not have to.  This is the crux of the Gospel of Jesus Christ: We are forgiven on account of the cross of Jesus Christ.

We are warned of false teachers so that the Gospel is not taken from us. We seek a thorough ground in the faith through catechesis so that we can recognize error when it is there.  Jude encourages us to persevere and remain faithful. Christ is coming. Be ready.

In the name of the Father, +Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.  


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