On the way to Sunday

 On page 878 of Lenski's commentary on Luke, commenting on 17:15, he conjectures that the one leper that returned must have argued with his nine companion about whether or not they should all return to Jesus in order to express their praise to God for their healing.  He then says this:

"Majorities impress us too much.  What would you have done if you had stood alone against the nine? Majorities can go wrong as easily as an individual may go wrong. The decisive thing is the right, the true, and not the numbers. Luther stood against the world of his day; he stood with and for the truth.  It is still true that God and one make a majority.  It was right that this man should return, right that he should do so by glorifying God with a loud voice when he came back to Jesus and the crowd that was with him in the village, which now included the villagers.  He praised God for healing him through Jesus even as Jesus did all his works to glorify God.  By glorifying God he withheld nothing from Jesus." (R. C. H. Lenski) 


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