
Showing posts from March, 2025

Sermon and Divine Service for Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday Divine Service    Ash Wednesday Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. Amen.  The reason we receive ashes on Ash Wednesday is because this is a season of repentance and renewal. In line with Biblical practices, by both our words and our actions, we are confessing to God and to one another that we recognize that we are NOT okay. We are sinners. We are sinners who are deeply grateful that from the cross our Lord Jesus Christ has conferred His righteousness and forgiveness upon us and has sacrificed Himself for our salvation. At the same time, in response to our Lord’s love for us, we want to grow and mature into the righteousness that Christ Jesus envisions for us. During this season of spiritual disciplines, we humble ourselves so that the Holy Spirit can continue to change us and renew us.  We recognize the truth of what Fulton Sheen says:  “ When we die to something, s...

Sermon and Video for Transfiguration Sunday

Image from Wikimedia Divine Service Video   Transfiguration of our Lord               Deuteronomy 34:1-12              Hebrews 3:1-6               Luke 9:28-36   Reading about Moses’ final ascent unto a mountain took me back to the few times when I have been in high places and had the pleasure of seeing way out into the distance.  In Chicago, buildings formerly known as the John Hancock building and the Sears Tower, offer views of the city and Lake Michigan that were beyond my young imagination. I have also had the pleasure of being in the mountains in Colorado and Wyoming. But, what for me was mere fascination about the big city, Lake Michigan, and the mountains, was for Moses a view of the promises of God. From Mount Nebo, Moses saw where the past and the future would meet and dwell together. While I co...