Review: Greek for Life: Strategies for Learning, Retaining, and Reviving New Testament Greek

Benjamin L. Merkle and Robert L. Plummer. Greek for Life: Strategies for Learning, Retaining, and Reviving New Testament Greek . Baker Academic, 2017. I took a year of classical Greek in College (Crosby and Schaeffer, Introduction to Greek), a three-week introduction to Koine Greek (Machen, New Testament Greek for Beginners) as the first class in seminary. I have tried over the years to retrieve and use what I learned for Bible study and sermons. I have benefited from good commentaries that provided useful linguistic, cultural, and exegetical information. But, I am in a time and place where I want to occupy my mind with the Greek New Testament and the Septuagint. I want more than a familiarity with the text. Is there a way to get going again, but also not flame out after three weeks? For folks like me, Merkle and Plummer provide useful, practical advice with loads of antidotes. They address issues like time management, distractions (the Internet comes up A LOT), and how to ...