Review - The Liberating Arts: Why We Need Liberal Arts Education

Jeffrey Bilbro, Jessica Hooten Wilson, and David Henreckson, editors. The Liberating Arts: Why We Need Liberal Arts Education. Plough Publishing House, 2023. Reports abound about the financial and enrollment challenges of liberal art colleges. Reports also abound about universities and colleges making drastic changes with their humanities departments. Programs in history, English, foreign and classical languages, philosophy, etc. and the professors that teach them are reduced or eliminated. Some argue this is a good thing. We should focus on science, engineering, technology, and math instead. Others say, not so fast! This engaging, thoughtful, and informative collection of brief essays about the liberal arts enters the conversation. These essays are the end result of a movement among practitioners of the liberal arts that began in the spring of 2020 with a series of video and audio conversations and interviews and the development of the website