Wendell Berry
One of my favorite authors is Wendell Berry. He is a Kentucky farmer and writer. He has written a number of short stories and books that center around the fictional small town of Port William. A personal favorite from his fiction is Jayber Crow . If I was in a position to do so, I would make every Pastor of smaller communities read Jayber Crow. The book and character of Jayber Crow offers wisdom. I have used two of his short stories from the collection Watch with Me in Bible studies and presentations. In his fiction, Berry presents characters that are recognizable and normal human beings who live through love, heartbreak, and death. As Port William is in rural Kentucky, Berry writes of the agricultural shifts and challenges that have materialized with the development of industrialized and mechanized farming. Berry is also a poet and essay writer. Perhaps the most anthologized poem is Manifesto: Mad Farmer Liberation Front . His essays focus primarily on ag...