Review: Silverview by John Le Carre

Le Carre, John. Silverview. Viking. 2021 . Silverview was completed before Le Carre died but was held back from publication by Le Carre for unknown reasons. His youngest son, writing under the pseudonym Nick Cornwell, is also a published writer. He told Nick about the manuscript and added instructions to complete the manuscript if need be. Nick reports that there was nothing to add or subtract. The manuscript was ready for the editor’s pen. Any changes would be what any editor would do. I am grateful that this book was published, even if posthumously. It was a delightful read. Julian did well in the trading house in London but grew tired of the rat race. He purchased a bookstore in a tourist seaside small town. Julian had ideas for the bookstore but admits that he really did not have a good grasp of literature. In walks Edward, an older gentleman, shortly before closing. Without much effort, Edward convinces Julian to ope...