
Showing posts from September, 2022

Review: Silverview by John Le Carre

 Le Carre, John. Silverview. Viking. 2021 .  Silverview was completed before Le Carre died but was held back from publication by Le Carre for unknown reasons.  His youngest son, writing under the pseudonym Nick Cornwell,  is also a published writer.  He told Nick about the manuscript and added instructions to complete the manuscript if need be.  Nick reports that there was nothing to add or subtract. The manuscript was ready for the editor’s pen. Any changes would be what any editor would do.   I am grateful that this book was published, even if posthumously. It was a delightful read.   Julian did well in the trading house in London but grew tired of the rat race. He purchased a bookstore in a tourist seaside small town. Julian had ideas for the bookstore but admits that he really did not have a good grasp of literature. In walks Edward, an older gentleman, shortly before closing.  Without much effort, Edward convinces Julian to open a second hand bookshop in the basement. The name sha

St. Michael and All Angels

2022-9-28 Eve of St. Michael and All Angels Daniel 10:10-14; 12:1-3 Revelation 12:7-12 Luke 10:17-20 In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.  When we stop to think about it, there are many people responsible for bringing us into maturity  as well as protecting us. Many of these folks are unknown to us.  We do, of course, know our parents, siblings, grandparents, and other family members. We know our teachers, coaches, fellow students, bosses, co-workers.  We know the names of some of our politicians and we sometimes have relationships with them. We know our congregation members and we are blessed to have a personal relationship with our Indiana District President.  We all take turns helping one another through encouragement, sharing of information, talent, prayers, and by being a fellow companion along this life’s journey. I think we are blessed to have a name, a face, and a history with so many people.  But then, there are all those folks who are responsible for our

A Book is a friend...

  A book is a friend that will do what no friend does - be silent when we wish to think.  Will Durant

Sermon for 9/26/2022 on Malachi 2:1-3:5

2020-9-26    Malachi 2:1-3:5     Matthew 4:1-11 In the name of the Father, + Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.  When Malachi was written around 430BC, 15 years had passed since the walls of Jerusalem were restored.  The second Temple, the one Ezra helped to build was completed in 516BC. 86 years had passed since the Temple became a place of worship again.  The initial excitement of rebuilding and returning to a regular cycle of worship has faded.  The intensity of the gratitude for a life and identity restore to Judah is passing.  As is the firm conviction that the people of God must walk in strict adherence to God’s precepts. And, the priests of the Temple, of the tribe of Levi, are also losing their focus.   Malachi has a warning to those with ears to hear, then and now, that we must live intentionally as the Lord’s.  If we do not, we begin to drift spiritually, which affects all aspects of our lives. As Malachi makes clear, God does not want the occasional thought or prayer or act of devo